Statement concerning the protection of personal data

  • By sending this inquiry I explicitly state that I voluntarily offered the disposal of my data to Atlantis Travel and am allowing that they use the same for the intent of the protection of my personal interests in all affairs contracted with Atlantis Travel.
  • This includes forwarding my personal data to third persons. Third persons are considered to be these persons that are essential for the realization of bookings concluded between Atlantis Travel and me.
  • I explicitly allow Atlantis Travel to use my personal date in their domestic and international evidence.
  • I agree that Atlantis Travel may use my personal data two years.

Privacy policy

Atlantis travel recognizes and appreciates your right to data confidentiality and undertakes to preserve the privacy and security of the information you share with us through the Atlantis Travel website. Your understanding of how we collect and use your data, which we are committed to protecting, is very important to us. Therefore, this Privacy Policy explains our practice of collecting and using your data and the ways in which you can contact us. Atlantis travel collects, processes and stores your personal data in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act (OG 103/03) and other valid regulations in the Republic of Croatia.

Atlantis travel will not forward any data to third parties without your prior permission, but our Policy on privacy and protection of personal data on the website may change over time, so please review it periodically to familiarize yourself with possible changes. We will consider your subsequent use of our site as your acceptance of all changes.

Definitions “Personal Data” includes any information relating to an identified natural person or an identifiable natural person; an identifiable person is a person whose identity can be determined directly or indirectly, especially based on one or more characteristics specific to his physical, psychological, mental, economic, cultural or social identity.

The personal data we collect is, for example, your name, address, e-mail address, phone number, etc.

“Non-identifying personal data” includes data such as your Internet server, IP address, web browser type, the pages through which you reached us, the web pages you visit on our site, the date and time of those requests, entry and exit points, etc.

“Business contact data” includes the name, title, business address and phone number of an employee in the organization. Purpose and method of data collection We collect personal data to improve the quality of the content, functionality and service offer on the site so that we can satisfy your interests and needs, and inform you about existing and new content, functionality and services of Atlantis travel that may be of interest to you. Access to the site is free, registration is not necessary. During registration, we may ask for the following personal data: Your first and last name, address, city, country, e-mail, date or only year of birth and gender. Non-Identifying Personal Data We collect non-identifying personal data through web statistics and the so-called cookies. Web statistical programs allow us to determine the data that our users are most or least interested in, what kind of browser needs to be installed, the effectiveness of the structure of our location and the number of visits to pages.

A cookie is a small set of data sent from the web server to your computer and serves as your anonymous individual identifier. We use cookies to access data that is already stored in the portal’s user databases, so you don’t have to re-enter the data every time you log in. We do not use cookies to access your data on the server; this information can only be accessed when you enter your name and password. We also do not use cookies for the purpose of tracking your Internet activity after leaving the site, and no one else has access or insight into them. Atlantis Travel reserves the right to use cookies on the site, but you are authorized to prohibit receiving cookies from the portal by selecting that option in the menu of your web browser. Use of your personal data We collect and use your personal data only based on your consent; freely given consent to collect and use the personal data provided to us, either by registration or by using the site, only for the purpose and in the ways specified in this Privacy Policy. We store collected personal data exclusively in electronic form and apply all appropriate organizational, technological and personnel measures to prevent unauthorized access to personal data that is not available to other site users. We use received electronic mail (e-mail) with your personal data that can be used to identify you, regardless of whether it is an electronic mail or filling out a form on our website, only for the purpose of fulfilling your requests. Storage and your access to personal data We will keep your personal data that you gave us during registration for the duration of the site’s existence, i.e. for the duration of your registration. If you do not allow us to further store and use your personal data, all data will be destroyed after the eventual termination of the site. You can at any time, by notification to our headquarters, request information about which of your personal data we have in our database of registered users, as well as request that we change or delete all or some personal data.

It is possible that Atlantis travel d.o.o. merge with another trading company or merge with another trading company. In that case, we reserve the right to deliver your data that we have in our user base to that other trading company if it: conducts its business within the same or similar activities, fully accepts the application of this Privacy Policy and agrees to be the legal successor of Atlantis travel d.o.o. regarding the collection, storage, use and protection of personal data collected through the Atlantis travel site. Our website contains links to other websites of our partners and advertisers, and the Privacy Policy and protection of personal data on them may be different from this Privacy Policy. If you access these pages, please familiarize yourself with the personal data protection rules that apply on those pages before providing personal information, since this Privacy Policy applies only to the Atlantis travel page.

Responsibilities Atlantis travel d.o.o. takes all available measures to prevent unauthorized access to your personal data, but cannot guarantee that some of the data will not be accidentally disclosed. Therefore, Atlantis travel d.o.o. to the maximum extent permitted by law, excludes liability for damage caused to users or third parties. All unauthorized attempts to change data on the Atlantis travel site are strictly prohibited.

Your comments / how to contact us By using the Atlantis travel site, you grant us the right to obtain and use data, in the manner described here. If we change some terms of our Privacy Policy, we will publish those changes on this site, so that you always have an overview of the way of using the data entrusted to us. If you find out that the links on the page lead to some third-party websites with inappropriate content or an unfavorable Privacy Policy, contact us and we will remove such links. If you have additional questions about our Privacy Policy, please contact us.

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